Friday, October 4, 2024

Rapid Turnover of THD Employees

Teresa Nudo- our recent Host and Chaperon during our Lunch Excursion at the SalesForce Rooftop Garden Park in San Francisco

Let me start this posting by stating that I am very happy here at THD.  However, a recent event  affected the spirit and lower the morale of several residents including myself.  It was the unexpected and sudden departure of Teresa Nudo- Activity Coordinator.  Rumor has circulated that she was fired and did not leave voluntarily. If this is true, something is rotten in Denmark!  (THD Management).  

I know it is none of my business of what is going on between THD-Management and its employees. But unexpected events of employees disappearing without explanation deserves a comment from me as a blogger.  Other residents probably can not care less, but after a while some of us residents developed a bond  (friendship) with the THD employees that help promote the enhancement of our well-being as well as a sense of belonging in our aging years at THD.     

I believe Teresa was doing an excellent job as Activity Coordinator and was well like by majority of residents because of her empathy for senior citizen issues.  Personally, I believe Teresa was doing an excellent job in the Activity Department. Her most recent hosting job was to chaperon us to the lunch excursions at the Rooftop Park in the SalesForce Tower in San Francisco.

Previously she worked as Resident Liaison and assisted Jenny Shively in the Marketing/Leasing Department.   We will miss you Teresa, Your empathy and kindness to the senior residents here at THD we will always remember.  Good Luck in your future endeavor.  

Here's an excerpt from my previous posting about THD.  

" Note that THD has been rated as a 5 Star Active Senior Living Community in the SFO East Bay. However,  Criticisms has touched on areas like parking availability and the handling of emergency situations ( no generator during power outage), suggesting a need for better communication and preemptive measures.  In addition, the rapid turnover of employees in the Activity Department also generated some negatives comments from a number of Residents". 

Another recent THD employee turnover was the sudden disappearance of our recent Sous Chef, Alberto Alvarez in the Newton's Kitchen.  I have talked to him when he joined the Kitchen staff just recently.  His several years of experience as Cook for a French Restaurant in San Francisco impressed me. During his few weeks of employment here, I noticed there were some creative changes in the Dinner and Dessert Menu, that a lot of residents like.  I heard Alberto quit on his own volition after some major disagreements with Agustin. If this is true, I would not be surprised for as the saying goes:


I hope our Dinner Menu and Lunches be more creative and varied. Variety is the Spice of Life. I am looking forward for another Filipino Dinner this month to celebrate Filipino-American History Month.      Thank You, Agustin and the Kitchen Crew!    

Prediction for Future THD Employee Turnovers: My guess  is there will be one or two more employee turn over before the end of the year by either voluntary retirement or change for a better positions both financially and a working environment. 
 Have a Great Day Every One!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Happy Rosh Hashanah- My Word of the Day-Limerence

Happy Rosh Hashanah to All my Jewish Friends and Readers all over the World. Rosh Hashanah is the New Year in Judaism. The biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah. It is the first of the High Holy Days, as specified by Leviticus 23:23–25, that occur in the late summer/early autumn of the Northern Hemisphere.  Rosh Hashanah is observed on the first day of the month of Tishrei on the Hebrew calendar, which falls in September or October on the Gregorian calendar, the calendar commonly used throughout the world. This year in 2024, Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset on Wednesday, Oct. 2, and ends at sunset on Friday, Oct. 4.

Meanwhile, here's my word of the Day-Limerence
My word for today is Limerence. This word is not exactly meant the extreme need for affection, but may be related to it. 
The other day while playing bridge, we talked that some people here at THD needed more attention than others. Although it is normal to be loved by others, extreme need of affection or being clingy to strangers, I believe is a psychological disorder.   So I did some search and the word Limerence stood out, Thus this posting. So what is Limerence?
Limerence is a state of mind which results from romantic feelings for another person, and typically includes intrusive, melancholic thoughts, or tragic concerns for the object of one's affection as well as a desire to form or maintain a relationship with the object of love and to have one's feelings reciprocated. Here are differences between Limerence and Love.  
The Primal Need for Connection- From infancy, humans crave touch as a fundamental aspect of bonding. Physical contact, ranging from a comforting hug to a reassuring pat on the back, plays a crucial role in shaping our emotional landscape. Lack of touch can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. 
Meanwhile enjoy this photo of the Paella Dish that I had for Brunch last September 15 during Ditas visit. It was yummy! Thank You Newton's Kitchen Crew and Chef.  It was delicious but could have a little more rice with saffron ( or its equivalent💚). It reminded me of Macrine's (RIP) culinary talents. Was this the culinary creation of our former sous chef, Alberto Alvarez? I just heard he quit this week!  Well as they say "Too many cooks in the Kitchen spoils the broth!"

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

My Most Popular Article- Discrimination Against Filipinos

I was looking at my files the other day on my most popular or widely read blogs in 2011. The following posting has over 900 page views and I am reposting it today as follows:    

Prejudice and Discrimination Against Filipinos

The prejudice against Filipino immigrants in the US and specially in California in the 1920s to 1940s is well documented💚 (1, 2).  One of the well known books discussing Discrimination Against Filipinos was America is in the Heart. It documented the life of the Filipino immigrants at that time period. It was written by Carlos Bulosan.  Mr Bulosan is my number one literary heroes of that time. 

Like many Filipinos during that time, Bulosan left for America on July, 1930 at age 17, in the hope of finding salvation from the economic depression of his home. He never again saw his Philippine homeland. No sooner had he arrived in Seattle, was he immediately met with the hostility of racism, forcing him to work in low paying jobs.

He worked as a farm worker, harvesting grapes, asparagus and other kinds of hard labor work in the fields of California. He also worked as a dishwasher with his brother, Lorenzo in the famous Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo. He was active in labor politics along the Pacific coast of the United States and edited the 1952 Yearbook for ILWU Local 37, a predominantly Filipino American cannery union based in Seattle.

Mr Bulosan died in 1956. To honor his memory, a Bulusan Memorial Exhibit located in Seattle's International District and in the Eastern Hotel features his literary works and manuscripts. One of his famous books, America is in the Heart based on his autobiography is now made into a Philippine movie. 

One of the famous quote from that book is timeless, as follows: "We in America understand the many imperfections of democracy and the malignant disease corroding its very heart. We must be united in the effort to make an America in which our people can find happiness. It is a great wrong that anyone in America, whether he be brown or white, should be illiterate or hungry or miserable."

Discrimination against the Filipinos was very blatant during the time of the Manongs and Carlos Bulosan. It appeared that by the 1960's, racial discrimination has disappeared from the minds of the American people. 

But in 1965, my wife and three children experienced their first discrimination experience in Gladstone, Missouri.  Gladstone is a northern suburb of Kansas City, Missouri with about 99.5% Caucasian population at that time.

The discrimination was not blatant but very subtle. After relocating in Missouri for my first job after my Ph.D graduation from the University of Illinois, my family and I joined a Country Swim Club just a couple of blocks and a walking distance from our rented residence. 

Macrine and the kids would swim at the country club twice or three times a week. The first day, they were there, she overheard the conversation from two middle-aged ladies. She heard a comment of the first lady to her friend, "look we are getting invaded by blacks already". Macrine look around, but there were no black families around; she and the kids were the only colored ( brown) relaxing and swimming in the pool area. 

Macrine was not bothered and did not get upset. She continued watching the kids swimming in the pool. Suffice to say, I had never experienced personally, an incident of prejudice or a discriminatory remark in my more than 51 years residing and working here in the US(California, Illinois, Missouri and Maryland).

After our second year in the neighborhood, we became more active socially and became well-known to the Gladstone community. I was elected by the members of the club as treasurer for two years. I was handling the payroll of three employees and collecting the membership fees of the 300 members. I was delighted that the club members and Board of Directors trusted me with their finances. I therefore conclude that the cure for discrimination is education and ignorance is the mother of prejudice.

If you are a Filipino-American or a member of a minority and is reading this article, have you ever experienced prejudice or discrimination in your life here in the US? Discrimination may be racial, religious, sexual, financial or your educational status. 

Note:  I would like to hear from you, if you experienced discrimination blatant or subtle. 

💚(1) Carlos Bulosan, America Is in the Heart, 1946
(2) The Delano Manongs: Forgotten Heroes of the United Farm Workers-a Video by

Meanwhile enjoy these Fall colors: 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Genetic Components of Beauty in Both Genders

💚Facial Beauty- Genetics?

I was looking at my old files the other day searching for ideas for my blogs. I found I have written a couple of articles on the genetics of musical/artistic talents but had never written if there is a genetic component for a person's attractiveness ( beauty) in both genders.   The websites below discus in detail the current knowledge of the genes that may be associated with being a beautiful person in both genders. 

" In females, the genetic variations that most closely related to facial attractiveness were linked to genes that affect body mass, or the measure of a person’s weight and height.  In males, the genetic variations were linked to genes that affect blood cholesterol levels.

The study authors point out that research has found blood cholesterol levels play a role “in the synthesis of testosterone and other steroid hormones.” That may help explain why attractiveness scores were tied to a cholesterol gene.

The correlation between a female’s body mass and attractiveness, however, points to one of the limitations of the study: Researchers don’t yet understand the roles of age, physical body shape, facial expression, and makeup in the perception of attractiveness".

Conclusion: Similar to many other human traits, there is not a ‘master gene’ that determines a person’s attractiveness,” Lu( author) said in a statement. “Instead, it is most likely associated with a large number of genetic components with weak effects.

Beauty standards varies from regions all over the world. What may be considered beautiful in Asia may not be necessarily beautiful in Africa or South America vice versa.  So  what is considered beautiful in Asia?  

Facial Features. Small and V-shaped Face: A petite, V-shaped face is often considered ideal in Asian beauty standards. Big eyes, a high nose bridge, and a delicate jawline contribute to this sought-after facial profile. Double Eyelids: In most Asian cultures, having a crease or "double eyelids" is considered attractive,

Additionally, large and expressive eyes with a double eyelid, a small and straight nose, and a small and full mouth are often prioritized in Asian beauty standards. Fair or pale skin is also considered attractive, as it is associated with youth, elegance, and wealth.

For complete details visit:


Finally here are the top ten most beautiful women and Men of the world for 2024. Do you Agree?

 Lastly to me beauty is not only the physical aspects of the person, but her/his mind and personality as well and as the spiritual side of the person. Again I agree on the saying that Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.

  1. "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." - Kahlil Gibran
  2. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller
  3. "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Confucius
  4. Meanwhile here are synonyms for the word "beautiful". 
    as pretty as a picture
    drop-dead gorgeous
    easy on the eye

    Speaking of Beauty: I have resided here at THD for over 15 months now, but it was only last week, I saw this beautiful antique table at our Conference Room, just across our Lobby and Activity Room. Judge for yourself.

    Note to THD Management
    : Several residents requested that I write in my blogs that sofas be provided near the FirePlace in our new activity room for seating comfort and enjoyment of the Fire Place for the coming winter months. The Sofas do not have to be new! 


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