My life story starting with my childhood years in the small town of Barotac Viejo, Iloilo, Philippines up to my retirement from the United States Food and Drug Administration, Center of New Drugs in 2002 and beyond. Some of the photos and videos in this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention in infringing on your copyrights.
Bonjour Lolo!!! Im having an amazing time in France. Learning a lot of French and eating good food! Here are the photos:
This is a true story relayed to me from a previous co-worker/friend, who was jobless for a while. His wife has a distant relative couple( originally from the Philippines) with no children in their 80's. The couple needed help in their daily activities ( Assisted Living). Since he was jobless he volunteered to be their care taker and this is what he wrote.
" I know what kindness is all about. I experienced it firsthand. When I just got here in USA I encountered a challenging situation. Although I stood up my ground I did not antagonize the hostility. When he grew old my wife was obliged to care for him and his wife. I had to take good care of him when he was terminally ill. With kindness I put aside all my bad experiences with him. I took good care of him really good. Subsequently the rewards was so enormous".
Later on after 3 years, the childless couple passed away. When their Will was read, My friend was surprised that the coupled had given him and his wife, their house and lot in the hills of Oakland, Ca and quite a substantial amount of their savings. This was their payment to him for taking care of the couple daily living needs for 3 years, besides the monthly subsidy the couple was giving him for his services.
My co-worker and his wife did not have financial worries after they received the unexpected inheritance. They spent some of the inherited money to travel around the world. My co-worker and his wife are only in their mid-70's. They did not expect that the couple will give their assets after their demise, and since the couple have no relatives here in the US, they inherited not only the fully paid house and lot but also a substantial amount of savings. Again, this is a true story and not just a product of my imagination. 💚