The newest and biggest Indian Casinos in Northern California, Draton Resort and Casino at Rohnert Park grand opening was last November 5. I applied for a players card two weeks prior to the opening and received a reply that I will received it before the opening day. Today 8 days after the opening no player cards have appeared in my mail box. I do not feel this is a good public relation effort from Draton. On the other hand Thunder Valley Casino (TVC) in Lincoln, I believe has the best public relation department of all the Casinos in Northern California.
Two weeks ago, I sent an e-mail to the four biggest Indian Casinos in Northern California (Numbers 1, 2. 3 in the list below and Draton ). I was asking for pay out percentages of their slot machines and some information on the manufacturers. Only TVC replied, the others Casinos ignored my question. The Vice President of Slot Machines Operations at TVC was very helpful and very patient in answering my questions. In addition he promised that the next time we visit the Casino, he will give us ( me, my wife and a neighbor) $50 each free slot play that day. Yesterday the three of us went to TVC and enjoyed our free slot play as well as a buffet dinner that the manager also gave us. This is an example of excellent public relation effort of a Casino. Needless to say, we will patronize TVC and not the other Casinos nearby.
If you have been following my blogs, I have already written a couple of postings on this subject. There are two Indian Casinos within 30 minutes driving time from our residence, Thunder Valley (TVC) and Red Hawk Casinos (RHC). TVC is the second most profitable casino in the US according to recent reports. RHC is only about four years old, but catching up in earnings with TVC. There are two other casinos within 90 minutes driving time from our residence.
The top ten Indian Casinos in Northern California excluding Draton are as follows: This is based on the total number of slot machines. Based on floor size Thunder Valley Casino is the number 1. If you enjoyed the Casinos, Northern California is an ideal place to live or visit.
1. CACHE CREEK CASINO RESORT, Brooks, California
Slot Machines: 3,130
Floor Size: 74,720 square feet
Table Games: 143
Tribal Organization: Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation
2. THUNDER VALLEY CASINO, Lincoln, California
Slot Machines: 2,700
Floor Size: 165,000 square feet
Gaming Tables: 105
Tribal Organization: United Auburn Indian Community
3. RED HAWK CASINO, Placerville, California
Slot Machines: 2,100
Floor Size: 88,000 square feet
Gaming Tables: 75
Tribal Organization: Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians
4. TABLE MOUNTAIN CASINO, Friant, California
Slot Machines: 2,000
Floor Size: 50,000 square feet
Table Games: 47
Bingo: 800 seat
Tribal Organization: Table Mountain Rancheria
5. TACHI PALACE CASINO, Lemoore, California
Slot Machines: 2,000
Floor Size: 140,000 square feet
Table Games: 56
Bingo: 850 seats
Tribal Organization: Tachi Yokut Tribe - Santa Rosa Rancheria
6. CHUKCHANSI GOLD RESORT & CASINO, Coursegold, California
Slot Machines: 1,800
Floor Size:
Table Games: 41
Tribal Organization: Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians
Slot Machines: 1,525
Floor Size: 147,000 square feet
Table Games:49
Tribal Organization: Jackson Rancheria Band of Miwuk Indians
8. RIVER ROCK CASINO, Geyserville, California
Slot Machines: 1,600
Floor Size: 35,500 square feet
Table Games: 29
Tribal Organization: Dry Creek Band of Pomo Indians
9.EAGLE MOUNTAIN CASINO, Porterville, California
Slot Machines: 1,400
Floor Size: 70,000 square feet
Table Games: 13
Bingo: 450 seats
Tribal Organization: Tule River Tribe of Yokuts
10. BLACK OAK CASINO, Tuolumne, California
Slot Machines: 1,024
Floor Size: 22,500 square feet
Table Games: 27
Tribal Organization: Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk
My wife and I have visited all of the above casinos except numbers 5 and 6 and Draton.
Gambling on Line: If you are lazy to drive or dress-up, you could always enjoy gambling by playing on line any time of the day or night with live dealers. Most of these on-line websites are outside the US. The one in England www.livecasino.uk.com comes to mind. You can play poker, black Jack and other games free for a while and then you are enticed to bit and play with money via credit card. Be careful again, this is also addicting and convenient.
May I reiterate that any form of gambling is addictive. Beware of "come-ons" and other advertising gimmicks targeted to senior citizens. Gamble wisely and stick to your budget and have FUN! Lastly gamble only the money you can afford!
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